

You once told me, our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch. Is that true for everybody, or is it just poetic bullshit?

Tyler Hawkins: Remember Me

As a human being, we have our own purpose in life. Either you're atheist, pagans, Christians, Buddhist, Jews or Muslims, we must believed that we have purpose in life. We did not just exist with no reason. We dont do things without reasons. Everything must have basis and reasons.

As a Muslim, Allah the Almighty stated in the Holy Quran:

I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.

Az Zariyat: 56

Everything we did in life, every single action, word and movement must be niyat to Allah. Every single second of our life is ibadah and shall we not wasted any of it.

I am not a good muslim and far from being a mukmin. But I do and always believed that an artist should touch people heart through the arts, a teacher shall do it through knowledge and teaching, a singer must do it through the good songs and so on.

And writing is my platform. This shall be my way to touch your heart. Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch, aite?

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