
A sister

I grew up mostly with boys. I have 3 brothers and a sister. While all my cousins (from my dad side) are also boys. Apparently, these boys really influenced me during my childhood. However, I've always looked up to my big sister. All the feminine side of me are coming from her, even my favorite Grey's Anatomy was introduced by her.

Passion in cooking, baking, drama series, and even make up are all coming from her. She is a very wonderful chef. I rarely talked about her but I admire her in so many level, in so many ways. The food that she cooked, the way she dressed up and make up, her profession and of course her proficiency in english.

Today, I made sambal udang and ayam goreng berempah. It was delicious and I owe this moment to her.

Thank you Kakna for being the best sister ever.

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