

I remember one scene from my fav sitcom, Friends when Phoebe said that everything that people did, will reward them back. Well, Joey tried to prove her wrong by doing good deeds but in the end, he just proving her right. Even good deed like sadaqah for example, will give a self-satisfying which like Phoebe said, rewarding us back in making us feel good about ourselves.

I tend to agree with Phoebe. Though in the sitcom, Phoebe seems like a crazy lady who'll do many crazy things but the fact that she had gone through so many things in life make her see the world in a different perspective.

As Eid Adha is just passing by and on this particular day, we all remember the sacrifices made by Abraham and Ismael; let's recap back, What had we sacrifice for the sake of others? Who had we left behind for the sake of ourselves?

Eid Adha is the best time to look back to the past and improving ourselves for the future. Those sacrifices, does it proven worthy?

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