
Marriage 101

You dont get married just because you want to avoid adultery. Sex should not be the cause of any marriages. Once you have it, what is left to do in your marriage? Marriage is also not about a grand wedding. Marriage demands a whole lot commitment. And marriage comes with the price.

A marriage is not a happy ending to every love story. It just a new start to another phase in life. It wont be all beautiful but you need to fight for it, every single day in your life.

I'm not saying that marriage is scary or one should not get married but before you make any decision, please take everything into consideration. Are you really prepared for it or you just wanted to get married for the wrong reasons?

Marriage is not the solution for all problems, instead marriage will bring much more problems. But, you will always face problems; either married or not. That is what mom said to me last year when we both talked about marriage.

I am not yet married. I'm looking forward towards the day to come, someday. I'm just against the idea of getting married without proper preparation. Not preparation for the wedding but for the marriage instead.

Statistic shows 50% of marriages failed. Please dont let your marriages fall into this statistic.


Mohaimin Mokhlis said...

An output I can see from here is:

Kawen nanti jangan lupe anta kad

Tg.A said...

haha. aduhai.