
To stay in love is hard work

Truthfully, I wasnt a fan of online romantic relationship advice. I am a believer that each relationship is unique on its own term with basic values such as mutual respect, compromising and communication.

Hence i dont think there is any advice that rules them all. Not everyone can be romantic or cook nice dish or become overly-attached partner. I dont think it works out that way.

Finding a life partner is like finding a piece of jigsaw puzzle that fit your space. You could be a quick temper and you find someone who calm at most time and could handle those quick temper. Or you are clumsy at times and you find someone with patience and teach you to be less clumsy. These changes were not done out of force but love. You learned to control your temper or you avoid anything that could trigger the temper. You learn to make notes or checklist so that you could be less clumsy, you watched every steps more carefully than before.

Hubs and I have been together for about 10 years and I never think it is an easy thing to do. Haha. We fought like any other couple. We disagree about a lot of things. We annoy each other with our own bad habits. But we hold on to one thing; To stay in love is hard work. Love just dont stay the way it is if we dont work hard for it. If we feel like giving up, that is when love died.

So, dont give up in finding love. Some of us get lucky that we found it earlier but it is better to stay single than to be in bad relationship.

p/s: please ignore my bad grammar. i'll try to proof read later, hehe.

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