

We are told to remember the idea and not the man. Because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten. But 400 years later... An idea can still change the world.

V for Vendetta (2006)

When rebellions took place in Egypt and Tunisia, all I can think and relate is the movie; V for Vendetta. The rebellion in Tunisia for example started with the death of Mohamed Bouzizi, where he set himself on fire as a symbol of resistance to the government. The same thing went to Egypt, the death of Khaled Mohamed Saeed becomes the catalyst of Egyptian's revolution.

I believed, almost everybody already watched the movie. I watched the movie in 2007 where the movie was released by 2006. The Guy Fawkes mask is so popular that recently a group of minister worn it as a sign of protest.

In the movie, V marked the symbol of revolution when he planned to destroy the Houses of Parliament which he succeeded doing it. The people of London worn the mask and marched through the city to protest towards the corrupt government. As V said in the movie, the best tool that been used by government is fear; the fear to make change in the thought that everything is going to be worst if they went against their own government.

When Evey asked V, if there is the need to destroy the House of Parliament in order to bring the change to the country, V replied; The building is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. Alone, a symbol is meaningless, but with enough people... Blowing up a building can change the world.

V for Vendetta is a mere movie or fantasy. But everything that happened to Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Syria or Yamen is real. I chatted with an Egyptian friend and he shared the current situation at Egypt where things get ugly and the people is divided with different idea and opinion. But they have done their part ultimately, fighting their own fear and stand up against the government.

We shall do our part too, taking responsible to be a better citizen. Register as a voter and vote in the coming election. If we wouldnt, who else will?

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