
Bold moves

It is interesting when some people's action could surprise you. I've been inspired with a lot of people around me but lately I've been surprised with their bold step/chance. Being bold sometimes can be seen as brave but it is nonetheless could the stupidest move if it didnt go well with the plan.

I didnt particularly agree with them. Some of it (the reason), seems reasonable enough but most of them are just plain arrogant, I presume. Like Ozzy in Survivor 23: South Pacific, whereby he took a bold chance and the plan went well, people see him as the bravest of all. But the result could be twisted and he afterall could be making the stupidest act.

In life, you ought to take risk. Being in the comfort zone wouldnt lead your life far. You will always be the person who's standing in the safe line. You will be rigid and incompetent. But one should not be taking in-calculated risk. It is far too dangerous.

Alas, I've been watching Survivor too much. haha.

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